Heart Health

heart health

Reversing coronary heart disease

– B. Panneerselvam, Chemical Engineer

Being a chemical engineer in the Petroleum industry, the demand for my time was always high. My job commitments were also encroaching on the time required for structured fitness activities, which also led to overeating and irregular eating habits.
Knowing the strong family history of cardiac issues and my hectic professional activities, my family cardiologist had advised me to start medication right from the age of 35. From then on, I was treated as a heart patient, with a review every six months, periodical tests, and a daily dose of 6 to 7 pills.

At the age of 44, I was advised to do a 64-slice CT scan to know how healthy my heart was. The results suggested that three arteries in my heart had significant build-up, and the calcium score was slightly abnormal. To avoid total blockage, lipids were closely monitored, and medicines were prescribed accordingly.
Though I was meticulously following the cardiologist’s instructions and medications, my cholesterol and triglyceride levels continued to be abnormal. I also was a little apprehensive about the side effects of medicines, statins in particular. Fortunately, a chance discussion with my wellness coach from Holistic Wellness Club showed me the solution. Satisfied with the details I received, I consulted my cardiologist. He allowed me to proceed with the suggestions offered by my wellness coach.
Now I am not dependent on medications thanks to the practice of continuous lifestyle modifications based on the suggestions from my wellness coach. Treadmill ECG, echocardiogram, and lipid profiles have been quite normal for the past few years. This indicates that the reversal of heart disease is quite possible if one follows the four pillars of optimal health.

I could reverse blockages in my heart

-M. Venkataraman, Chemical Engineer,Chennai

My job demands in the Petroleum Industry were high, and so were my stress levels due to continuous working in shifts. Looking behind, I realize that I had a sleep-deprived career.
As a result, a routine executive medical checkup in my mid-40s showed that I had high blood pressure, and the ECG and Treadmill tests indicated the possibility of blockages in my coronary blood vessels. We had a lengthy discussion with the Cardiologist, who suggested I strictly practice a modified lifestyle (low-fat diet, daily brisk walking, and meditation) and also prescribed medications to control my cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Thanks to my wife, who helped me practice the modified lifestyle changes, the angiogram was taken after 3 years and showed a reversal of blockages.

If bringing in a change was difficult, sustaining it in a consistent manner throughout my life was much more difficult. But an introduction to the Holistic Wellness Club through a well-wisher and guidance by our coach, Ram Kumar, helped us consistently practice the four pillars of optimal health.
The good news is that thanks to this guidance, my medication levels have dropped. The HWC has helped me maintain good heart health, and my Annual Lipid Profile, ECG, Treadmill, and Echo Cardiogram tests are consistently normal.
Thanks to the coaches from the Holistic Wellness Club, I am able to sustain a healthy lifestyle and avert the need for a heart bypass surgery.